General Oral Presentation and E-Poster Guidelines

Tips for Effective Presentations 
(adapted from

Plan your content first.
If you must use a background template, keep it simple.
Choose a font color that contrasts with the background color.
Avoid using fancy fonts or san serif fonts.
Avoid using slide transitions.
Include only necessary information on a slide, and use slide content to clarify the spoken word.
Limit the written information on each slide to six lines with no more than six words per line. Be sure to use a font large enough (ideally 30 point) for everyone to read easily. This is particularly important when you are lecturing in the large general session meeting rooms.

Guidelines for Oral  Presentations

Prepare your lecture carefully.  Stress the key points.  Do not use jargon, particularly when speaking to an interdisciplinary, international audience.
Limit 4 minute Show and Tell presentations to 11 or fewer slides.
Time required (30-60 seconds) to get to the podium and open your powerpoint is included in your 7 or 10 minute time allotment, so please plan the length of your talk accordingly. For the 4 minute paper Show and Tell Sessions, there will be one minute between each 4 minute presentation for speaker changeover.  You will not be permitted to exceed your time allotment.  Exceeding the time allowed is disrespectful to the audience and other speakers.  It indicates that you have not prepared your presentation appropriately.

Guidelines for  E-Poster Presentations 

The National Multidisciplinary Congress of Young Researchers will use e-posters to reduce the carbon footprint of the meeting, save on the cost and inconvenience to attendees associated with printing and transporting conventional paper posters, and maximize exposure to poster presentations by making  them accessible to attendees, on demand, throughout the duration of the Congress.

The maximum allowable size of the e-poster PowerPoint file is 15 slides and/or 25 megabytes. The slideshow should be viewable by an attendee within an 8 minute timeframe.

Recommended Slides:

Slide 1: Title + Authors
Slide 2: Presenter Disclosures
Slides 3 - 5: Introduction & Background
Slides 6 - 8: Materials & Methods
Slides 9 - 12: Results
Slides 13 - 15: Conclusions
If you include audio clips or movies, they must be coded using standard Windows codecs and embedded within your PowerPoint file.

Do not use special fonts which are not part of the standard PowerPoint package as this will cause problems while uploading your file.


JPEG images are the preferred file format for inserted images.
Insert images into slides using “Insert/Picture” command
Ensure that your images fit inside the slide, resizing or cropping them as necessary
Included photos should be enlarged enough to show relevant detail. Patient confidentiality must be protected. No names should appear in illustrations.
Compress images using the “File/Save As/Tools/Compress Pictures” command and selecting Screen (150 ppi) or Print (220 ppi) as the target output.

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